Monday, September 29, 2008

The Basics of BitTorrent

Basically this is how BitTorrent works.

The Torrent file
This is the only file the "host" of the distribution site actually needs to distribute. This is a small file that basically works like a map or answer key for the torrent client.

The Client
Users of BitTorrent then have a torrent client that connects to other users. It then downloads small chunks of the larger file little by little from every other user it can connect to that has the same file. It then uses the Torrent file to put the overall file back together. Unlike other protocols where the more users that are connected the slower it runs, in this scenario, the more users one can connect to, the faster the download.

Someone who is downloading.

Someone who is uploading.

Seed Box
A computer which its sole job is to upload files to other users.

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